Wednesday, 10 November 2010

This assignment was looking for some patterns. A pattern is created when a groupof shapes, lines or marks is united together. Here are some examples :

A natural  pattern :

A man made pattern : 

A applied pattern : 

Thursday, 4 November 2010


For this assignment,we had to find patterns on school. For example :

More patterns coming soon! 

My stencil, A Xbox360 Controller.

This is my stencil, that we needed to make for Keith's Workshop.
You had to draw something personal, that represents you.
I used a Xbox360-Controller because I'm a proud gamer.

Here is a picture of a real Xbox360 controller.

My name, Darnell in Grafitti style.

The assingment was to write your name in a grafitti style.
I used some bright colours and thick lines.